Tuesday 24 September 2013

This Idiot is a Motorist

My first blog entry with a video featured cyclists, and the second pedestrians.  Since then I have logged hundred of kilometres on my bicycle, most of those rides captured on video.  Upon review, it would seem that my main concern with Winnipeg drivers is their apparent and total disregard for using turn signals.

I`ll post a clip montage on that topic another time.

Today`s entry is reserved for one special driver I encountered last summer.  She . . . she just . . . well, see for yourself:


What are the options here?  Clearly, she found herself somewhere she didn't want to be, but instead of going with the flow of traffic and looping around, she deliberately flouted the rules of the road.  Did she think they didn't apply to her?  That it would be all right "just this once"?  That apologizing would make everything okay?

Fortunately, the rest of us on the road that morning were driving defensively, and no one was hurt.

This time.

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