Tuesday 8 October 2013

Gets It

Friday, September 13, 2013

Readers who suffer from triskaidekaphobia would tell me that I shouldn't even have been riding on this day, but I am neither cowardly nor superstitious.

At 6:28PM, I was about to cross King at James with the green light when a car zoomed through the intersection against the red light on King - This Idiot #1.  I yelled an imprecation, and then another at the car behind him, who did the EXACT SAME thing - This Idiot #2.

I shook my head and took a deep breath to help clear the adrenaline rush from my narrow escapes.  I was about to continue on my way, thankful to be alive and in one piece when I thought: "No."

I decided, instead, to change course and see if I could catch up to them, if for no other reason than to record their license plates.  Sure enough, I could and I did, but I'm not going to publish them, for reasons I will make clear later.  What I will provide, however, is a transcript of the conversation that followed.

They both turned into the parking lot of a Chinese restaurant on the corner of Logan and King, and I waited for them to disembark.  Five women in dresses emerged from both sides of each vehicle until the young, male drivers made their appearance.

I asked: "So what do red lights mean to you guys?"

This Idiot #2: "Yeah, I'm sorry - I didn't notice it."

Me: "You didn't notice a red.  Light?"

TI2: "I'm sorry."

Me: "Thank you."

This Idiot #1: "I'm sorry, sir."

Me: "Thank you for your apology."

TI1: (motioning with his arm) "Yeah, because the sun-"

Me: "Please be more careful in the future."

TI1: "Yeah, sorry, sir."

Me: "Have a nice evening."

TH1: "(unintelligible)  I saw you."

Me: "Fortunately, I saw you, too."

That was it; a 20-second conversation with no histrionics, no name-calling, no yelling, no violence - actual or implied - on my part or theirs.

They were wrong; I confronted them; they apologized, and there was no need to take it any further, so I'm not editing and uploading a video or publishing their license plates for all to see.

We can't help being idiots.  Everyone will slip into a state of idiocy at some point, but we can all choose whether we are going to be polite or rude about it.

These guys got it.